
This lets you add a custom feed for Prometheus / Grafana for crypto projects.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This lets you add a custom feed for Prometheus / Grafana for crypto projects.

If you havent yet set up prometheus/grafana check out this guide here Avax Node Monitoring Guide

How to use

Install node.js

sudo apt-get install nodejs

Edit Prometheus yml

Edit your prometheus yml file with sudo nano /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml adding in the content of prometheus yml under you other jobs. After updating and saving use to restart prometheus sudo systemctl restart prometheus. Then do sudo systemctl status prometheus to see if prometheus is working fine. If it isnt then you need to redo the config and make sure your spacing is correct.

Open ports if you want too

If you want to open your ports to view the prometheus dashboard/jobs use sudo ufw allow 9090/tcp replace your port # for each job

Run node script

Run avax-app.js script to pull these data feeds on port 9800

run with nohup to keep running after terminal is closed nohup node avax-app.js & or nohup node generalized-app.js & depending on which script you want to use.

Run node script on startup

Automatically start the script on reboot by editing your crontab with crontab -e and adding the line @reboot sh -c 'cd /home/app/directory && pm2 start avax-app.js' (or generalized-app.js)


sudo lsof -i :9800 Find PID of program using port 9800 kill -9 pid Kill via PID

Credit to @CarnivalBen on github for making this