
Drone Process

Darkmik70 opened this issue · 0 comments

Drone Dynamics

Physical Model

  1. Incorporate basic physics principles such as inertia, force, velocity, and resistance.
    The drone should respond realistically to control inputs and environmental factors (like repulsion from obstacles).
    Input Command Processing

2.Receive command inputs from the Blackboard Server. These inputs change over time based on user interaction.

Movement Calculation

  1. Use the received inputs to calculate the drone's acceleration, velocity, and displacement.
    Consider the drone's mass and air resistance (viscous drag).

  2. Position Update - Continuously update the drone's position based on calculated movement.
    Handle boundary conditions (like geo-fences or collision with obstacles).
    Interaction with Obstacles

  3. Implement collision detection and response mechanisms. Simulate repulsion forces from obstacles.