
Not responding to ?list command

Closed this issue · 5 comments

z1g commented

I suspect something has changed on the discord side, however as of yesterday I am getting an error when issuing the list command.

Mac OSX Java 1.8.0_111
[ChatListener]: Responding to list command. Requested by Chicken.
[14:56:24] [Fatal] [JDA]: One of the EventListeners had an uncaught exception
[14:56:24] [Fatal] [JDA]: Encountered an exception:
[14:56:24] [Fatal] [JDA]: net.dv8tion.jda.exceptions.BlockedException: The requested User blocks you or disallows you otherwise from PMing him!

Windows 10 Java 1.8.0_111
[14:54:37] [Info] [ChatListener]: Responding to list command. Requested by Chicken.
[14:54:37] [Fatal] [JDA]: One of the EventListeners had an uncaught exception
[14:54:37] [Fatal] [JDA]: Encountered an exception:
[14:54:37] [Fatal] [JDA]: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not get Private-channel for user: Chicken... Error: HTTPResponse[401: {"code": 0, "message": "401: Unauthorized"}]

I setup a new instance on windows 10 today with a freshly downloaded bot, created a new discord user, discord server, and discord app for the bot. The bot will play all of the sound files without issue and adjust volume. I gives the above error to the list command and will not remove previously entered commands. The bot does have manage message permissions and does throw an error when I remove that permission but shows no console error otherwise.

I have made absolutely certain the bot is not on the block list for my test user. I am not sure why the error is different between the two platforms. This started yesterday, was working perfectly well prior to. I imagine discord changed something on their back end, not sure.

I'm also having this issue. Not sure whats the cause.

If I'm reading your error correctly the bot is trying to send the list of sounds to a user named "Chicken". That user is blocking private messages from either the bot user or all users. Not sure where you can see a list of users that are blocked in discord, but I would check there first.

z1g commented

You can view blocked users by clicking the online button in the top left corner then click the blocked tab. I have no blocked users on that account as it is brand new. Additionally the error occurs for all users that issue the list command. Oddly as I mentioned the error is different from mac/nix to windows.


z1g commented

#30 duplicate but relevant

I have a release being uploaded right now that will fix this issue. v1.4.9. Please update to that and if your still having issues open a new ticket.