
Database issuse

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Just downloaded your repo but i cannot run it due to no information about the database. Can you give me a instruction? Thanks

@imxike, thanks for your feedback. I'm very sorry for not adding any instructions yet was planning to add it later (when I will finish a decent part of the frontend, but for now still working on the backend) but for now I added .env.example file which will let you make your own .env file filling which is required to run this.

I didn't use a local Mongo Database (though I will use it later) so can't give you much info about this just yet but you could use MongoDB Atlas - I use their free solution for this project. It will guide you through all necessary steps including how to create a database user with admin rights, those credential you will need to put in .env file.

Hope it helps! Cheers!

Thanks, i'm able to run it now, just find out is an api project right? :D

@imxike, yeah, I'm still developing it slowly when I have time. I decided to start to make frontend part when the most important api end-points will be ready because I use api first approach.