
Leave cursor type unchanged over bitmap guides

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I use a bar cursor, via (setq-default cursor-type 'bar). With highlight-indent-guides-method set to 'bitmap it becomes an empty box when it's over an indentation guide. Is there a way to avoid that?

Screenshot from 2020-11-29 20-11-15

Yeah, I've had the same issue and I haven't found a way to avoid it. Emacs seems to force the cursor to box when it's on any bitmap image for whatever reason. I've just gotten used to it, but it is rather obnoxious.

Thanks anyway. Lawlist on emacs.se had the same problem and he too didn't find a proper solution. Gotta love your 90s graphics when you use emacs :-)

Yeah, for all of emacs' flexibility, there are just some things it likes to be stubborn about.