
miner: "Problem equipping stonebrick x 59"

rom1504 opened this issue · 4 comments

I get this (in state walking) and get this in the console :
Error equipping: Error: Server rejected transaction.
at Bot. (/home/rom1504/test/helperbot/node_modules/mineflayer/lib/plugins/inventory.js:757:12)
at Bot.g (events.js:192:14)
at Bot.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:96:17)
at onRejected (/home/rom1504/test/helperbot/node_modules/mineflayer/lib/plugins/inventory.js:726:11)
at confirmTransaction (/home/rom1504/test/helperbot/node_modules/mineflayer/lib/plugins/inventory.js:709:7)
at Client. (/home/rom1504/test/helperbot/node_modules/mineflayer/lib/plugins/inventory.js:851:5)
at Client.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:96:17)
at Socket.Client.setSocket.ended (/home/rom1504/test/helperbot/node_modules/mineflayer/node_modules/minecraft-protocol/lib/client.js:39:12)
at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:96:17)
at TCP.onread (net.js:397:14)

I've seen this too. It's probably a mineflayer bug. I'll try to develop a test to duplicate the issue.

Do you put the item in the quickbar before equipping it ? (maybe the server could reject it if it is trying to equip an object not in the quickbar)

maybe it's related to PrismarineJS/mineflayer#127 then ?