
New library: smaller components

Closed this issue · 18 comments

Hi Davide,

As we organized, I open this issue as a request to include my library of 'small' electronic symbols ( which can be found here: https://github.com/simon-zz/simon-zz-fidocadj-libs ) in a future FidoCadJ release.


Hi @Simon-ZZ
thanks very much, we see if we can put it here for the moment:


I can't figure out how to put labels... Sorry :(

BTW, can you provide a short description of the library?
Which license do you choose? CC BY-NC 4.0 is ok for you?


P.S. I just added the labels, no problems there!

This is a library I started to create because I wanted a minimum number of symbols and they to be small for my schematics.

I reduced the size of passive components, OpAmps and Voltage Sources.
Transistors, electrical ground and GND reference symbol are taken from EYLibraries : ) , except a very very small change in BJTs and Darlingtons.

BTW I think I will add more symbols 'on the way' ...

CC BY-NC 4.0 Licence is OK.


So, we can upload the library on the web site and add it to our page:

All I need are the correct informations to append a new row to the table: file name and link, weight, version, description in english and in italian.

When you two are ready, write me all these parameters.

Have a nice day!

Hi @Simon-ZZ and @MigthyThor
It would be very interesting to have the library in the website. Were you able to do something about it?

Kind regards,

Hi Davide,

Thank you for your interest. Sorry, I have been very busy during these days and I cannot think on it.
I'll try to do this weekend what MigthyThor suggested.


Hi @Simon-ZZ
Thank you very much!
Let us know when you can do that!


OK guys so here I am.. +1:

I would write, into the describtion:

"Proposed by simon-zz on Git Hub. This is a small and basic library of electrical and electronic symbols. The symbols has been designed to be reduced in size respect to the other libraries, allowing the user to design small size schematics."

The actual size is 15983 bytes and the version is ... let's write 1.0, since it would be a first public release.

The library, as stated in the first post of this discussion, can be found in my repos at the link in the same post. I updated it an hour ago: I added a Smith Chart (as complete as possible :) ) and a Smith Chart plane (without reflection and transmission coefficients, return loss etc. scale and wavelength references on exterior circumfereces), perhaps more convenient to use in certain situations.

Please let me know if you need more infos.

Regards and thank you again for your interest.

Hi @Simon-ZZ

Seems very good, thanks!

So, are we ready to update the libs page on website? (not before the next week, sorry)

Yes, I think we can release thi 1st vesrion.
What about future updates ?

Hi @Simon-ZZ and @MigthyThor
Thanks for the great work!

I think we can release the first version on the website. When that will be done, we will close this Issue.
For the moment, for updates, probably it will be simpler to reopen this issue, update the website and close again when all is done.

If updates are too frequent (for this, or for other libs), we may think about a specific GitHub project, or maybe a database system of some kind.



Hi @MigthyThor
do you think you can do the update soon for the website, if you have some time?

Kind regards,


Done! Cheers

Hi @MigthyThor and @Simon-ZZ
I merged the pull request by @MigthyThor.

Terrific work, as usual!


I close this Issue, we can reopen it if a new version of the library becomes available.

Great ! Thank you guys !!!