
Fork of https://gitlab.dkrz.de/skosukhin/icon-example/-/tree/master

Primary LanguageC


This repository is a fork of the icon-example project. It contains example algorithms that are typical for weather and climate modelling on unstructured grids (e.g. for ICON model). The aim of this repository is to demonstrate AnyDSL's heterogeneity.


The following software is assumed to be installed:

  • Either clang++ or g++ supporting C++17
  • GNU Make
  • CMake (VERSION>=3.4.3)
  • curl (the cmake script downloads grid files)
  • AnyDSL

Clone this repository inside the anydsl/ folder.

Building and Running

mkdir path/to/anydsl/icon-example/build
cd "$_"  # the "$_" contains the argument to the previous command
cmake -DBACKEND=cpu \
      -DAnyDSL_runtime_DIR=$PWD/../../runtime/build/share/anydsl/cmake/ \
make check

Supported backends:

  • cpu
  • avx
  • nvvm
  • cuda
  • amdgpu

Note that for cpu and avx backends, you may choose a sensible number of threads via -DNO_OF_THREADS=$(nproc).


Run the benchmarks for the backend you chose in CMake using make check. You may specify more backends by setting the ICONEX_BENCH environment variable. Suppose you want to run the benchmark script for cpu, avx, and cuda:

ICONEX_BENCH="cpu avx cuda" make check