
Additional plugins for Google Analytics Autotrack https://github.com/googleanalytics/autotrack

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple tracking plugins for Google Analytics inspired by (googleanalytics/autotrack)[https://github.com/googleanalytics/autotrack]

trackThis.js assumes you're using universal analytics and have included it in your project as per Google's instructions


Plugin Description Default
trackThisIntraPageLink Automatically track links which change the current page hash
trackThisLinkProtocol Track links matching the given protocol mailto, tel
trackThisFileDownload Track file download links pdf, zip, 7zip, doc, docx
trackThisOpenExternalInTab Helper function to open all links pointing to a different domain in a new tab


You can simply include the dist/trackThis.js file in your page, after your Google Analytics code if you like.

Webpack, Browserify, etc...

Install from npm (using the [githubUsername]/[project] format)

npm install trackThis.js
import 'trackthis.js';

ga('require', 'trackThisIntraPageLink');
ga('require', 'trackThisLinkProtocol');
ga('require', 'trackThisFileDownload');
ga('require', 'trackThisOpenExternalInTab');

Or, just include the plugins you're interested in

import 'trackthis.js/src/plugins/TrackThisFileDownload';

ga('require', 'trackThisFileDownload');

Setting Up

  • Add universal analytics to your project
  • Include trackThis.js
  • Enable trackThis plugins via ga('require', [pluginName])
  • Enjoy extra data directly to your analytics account

Additional options

All examples provided below are the default values


We can define which file extensions to track

import 'trackthis.js';

const options = {
  extensions: ['pdf', 'zip', '7zip', 'doc', 'docx']

ga('require', 'trackThisFileDownload', options);


Each protocol requires a category which is passed to Google Analytics as the eventCategory

import 'trackthis.js';

const options = {
  protocols: {
    'mailto:': {
      category: 'Mail send'
    'tel:': {
      category: 'Phone number'

ga('require', 'trackThisLinkProtocol', options);