
ReferenceError: adjustLegacySettings is not defined

dauthleikr opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, i'm trying to specify options, i'm using the ES6 module version. I'm using 0.6.2.

import { BsMultiSelect } from '@dashboardcode/bsmultiselect/dist/js/BsMultiSelect.esm.min.js';


BsMultiSelect(element, environment, {
    placeholder:"select something.." // any option, does not matter

If I specify any options, I always get the error: ReferenceError: adjustLegacySettings is not defined.
Any idea?

Thank you for the report. Solved in 0.6.3 (available on npm).

Could I ask you to inform me why you are using ESM version? Do you have access to BS5 ?

No I do not have access to BS5. I use meteor to develop a small internal app, and just importing modules and letting meteor do it's module magic seems to be the nicer way to do things. Can't do that with the jquery version (or I don't know how).

Thanks for the update by the way, works nicely!

@dauthleikr Does it possible for meteor app to reference "not-rolluped" source module directly (BsMultiSelect.js ) ?

Then you will be able to load plugins only you need, confiugre babel transpiler as you need and remove all "defaults" and "settings" (of concrete instance) configuration garbage ( defaults in https://github.com/DashboardCode/BsMultiSelect/blob/master/js/src/BsMultiSelect.esm.js )