
Publish Vault-CRD Helm Chart

Closed this issue · 5 comments

First off, thank you for the great work you've done with this project. This issue is in regards to the DaspawnW/vault-crd-helm repository. I was wondering if this chart was published anywhere? If not, can we consider publishing it?

I forked the project to try it out for myself, you can find it here. I can open a pull request if needed.

Package Chart Release

make release

Add Repository

helm repo add vault-crd https://raw.githubusercontent.com/null93/vault-crd-helm/chart-repository

Install Vault-CRD

helm install vault vault-crd/vault-crd

Hi @null93,

a pull request sounds great, would be very happy to add the repo :-)

Thanks a lot,

@DaspawnW Thank you! PR opened and can be found here :)

Reopening because PR hasn't been reviewed yet.

@DaspawnW any chance the 2 PRs I opened can be reviewed? :)

Hi @null93 ,
sorry for my late reply...
Thanks a lot for the PRs I've updated them also to the latest version of Vault-CRD.