
Run multiple vault on same cluster in different namespaces

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi There, It's amazing CRD i am using it and working well.

i have a requirement like, want to run this CRD for two vault.

My one vault is in default namespace and secret in the default namespace.

Now i have set up new vault in dev namespace and looking forward to sync secrets in dev namespace it is possible with single deployment or i have to do multiple deployments of CRD.

Hi @harshmanvar ,

I'm sorry currently this is not supported. I think this requires a change in the structure of vault-crd or an annotation that allows to define something simmilar as used in nginx-ingress to have multiple of them.
I'll think about it, maybe you have a good idea?

Hi @DaspawnW ,

Thanks a lot for writing back. i have not much explored and check the structure of vault-crd so no good idea as of now syncing multiple vaults. however, i have simply resolved the issue by deploying another vault-crd POD in respective namespace.

will update you if anything there.

Thanks a ton..!