
Vault Token in ENV var

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Neat implementation! Suggest that you move the KUBERNETES_VAULT_TOKEN from a static definition on the ENV of the deployment to a separate secret file that the deployment mounts in with secretKeyRef. Anyone with the ability to get/list deployments will be able to steal the vault token and get all the secrets it has access to. Fewer roles/clusterroles allow get/list of secrets than deployments, so this improves the access control surrounding that sensitive token.

              name: vault-crd-secret-name
              key: "token"

Hi @bgeesaman,

Thank you for your response. Let's continue our discussion here ;-)
You are completely right! I'll update the deployment.yaml.

I think the way with a static Vault Token is also not the preferred, I made a change in the past to also support Service Account Authentication. So for me the Vault Token as static one is not so secure.

I created also a helm chart, but unfortunately I had no time so far to deploy it :-)

Together with an envoy proxy you have I think a good way to enable tls communication between microservices and up to date tls that refreshes automatically.

Sure. Ideally, you're using Kubernetes SA Auth to fetch this client token. But for now, this small change at least improves the current implementation a bit.