
WindowsToaster.clear_toasts() doesn't work

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hello, I'm creating a few toasts with my code and I want to clear them all when the process ends, but I wasn't able to use the method WindowsToaster.clear_toasts() without getting this error:

AttributeError: 'WindowsToaster' object has no attribute 'notifierAUMID'

I made an example code that shows the issue.

The expected behavior would be that all toasts created with that toaster are gone and no exceptionis raised.

from windows_toasts import Toast, ToastDisplayImage, WindowsToaster

toaster = WindowsToaster('Windows-Toasts')

newToast = Toast()
newToast.text_fields = ['Wow','two lines','lorem ipsum dolor sit amet']
# str or PathLike
manual_go=input("Press enter to clear the toast")

Fixed in #96