Inventory management casestudy
Closed this issue · 17 comments
The end goal of this model are three:
- online decision
- dynamic timestep aggregation
- dynamic subscript aggregation
The first casestudy is the fusion of Bayequentist from DailyDigest and ManageChain from MonthlyModel. Three Bayesian checks are applied to chained system where demand/supply and material/information are matched. This is the diagram:
I aim to address first two topics from #5,
Originally posted by hyunjimoon September 12, 2022
to figure out the best way to tune the following hyper-parameters and its useful resource. I left the link for each discussion (#12, #7, #9, #11) as they need active development, so please leave comment in each link! If you think of any other tunable parmameters, please leave a comment so that I can allocate a new discussion thread for that.
1. Typify model into PA or PAD based on the research purpose in #12
2. Typify parameters to assumed or assumed time-series or estimated for testing in #7
- this discussion on holding constant (clamping) between two leaders (Andrew Gelman and Judea Pearl)
@tomfid the following are analysis code and vensim file readied for the above goal. Ready to go!
- analysis using Stan engine: this notebook with self-contained python codes mentioned in #16 in this folder.
- vensim file: chain_draws2data and chain_data2draws2decison2data
It is recommended to make each commit unified so that communication could be like: "see commit 684dfb1 for the update" but will do better next time.
Digging into dimension of prior_pred
, post_draws
in #23 (comment)
I need help in using driving data using vensim's lookup function structure.
In other words, using lookups as a container for data? I wouldn't normally do that, unless I wanted random access to the data, or was planning to export to some other tool that couldn't digest Vensim data variables.
One possible strategy is to create placeholder lookups with generic values, then populate them at runtime with a .cin file (perhaps generated in Excel) containing the real values. This won't work if the goal is to export the .mdl though. In that case, with a little finagling, you could just generate the lookups in mdl syntax and paste them into the equation listing.
There are two forms in mdl syntax:
LOOKUP NAME([(Xmin, Ymin)-(Xmax, Ymax),(Xref1, Yref1),(Xref2,Yref2),...(Xrefn,Yrefn)]
(X1, Y1), (X2,Y2), . . .(Xn, Yn) )
~ Units ~ Description |
The stuff in [ ] can be omitted.
LOOKUP NAME( X1, X2, X3,....Xn, Y1, Y2, Y3,....Yn)
~ Units ~ Description |
.cin syntax is the same - just make sure it's all on one line, and omit the ~ and stuff after.
This attempt to use lookup function for driving data input structure started from digging into how pysd is using external data via initializing the model with .initialize(data_file = .tab)
. SDXorg/pysd#371
To introduce vensim2stan translator, the following must be completed by 10/21.
Must to do
a. prove vensim and stan draws2data
generate equal results (with blue variables as vdfx or csv)
b. data2draws2
c. plot using xarray or arviz inferencedata (how many draws, default 1000)
d. analyze fit, increase the number of estimated variable from 2 to 6
Can do
e. data2draws2
loglik computation
f. loo
computation and PIT
g. extend to hierarchical model
h. how to incorporate hierarchical modeling with testing framework to make the test result less path dependent? Should we start from no pooling or complete pooling? #34
e. implement hierarchical Bayes in vensim + Venpy
> prior_pred_obs['production_start_rate_stocked_obs'].mean('draw').values.flatten()
array([-4.40146950e-03, 3.36716915e-03, 7.66082443e-03, 1.60187649e-02,
-3.77674004e-03, 4.27628952e-03, 1.13146864e-03, -4.19492450e-03,
-6.59530433e-03, -4.86387919e-03, 5.67682390e-03, 5.63749278e+09,
5.10863331e+09, 2.47952251e+09, 4.95773346e+06, 5.53670186e-01,
-1.44968518e-03, 1.15607441e-02, 5.49195196e-03, 7.08743052e-03])
Pass generated (via draws2data
) vectors (averaged across 1,000 different prior draws) to data2draws
ran draws2data
for inventory management after transforming two flow rates (production start rate
, production rate
) into stocks by adding process noise then generated
- tracing spikes and negative values
Dimensions: (chain: 1, draw: 1000,
production_start_rate_stocked_obs_dim_0: 20,
production_rate_stocked_obs_dim_0: 20)
* chain (chain) int64 1
* draw (draw) int64 0 1 2 3 ... 996 997 998 999
Dimensions without coordinates: production_start_rate_stocked_obs_dim_0,
Data variables:
production_start_rate_stocked_obs (chain, draw, production_start_rate_stocked_obs_dim_0) float64 ...
production_rate_stocked_obs (chain, draw, production_rate_stocked_obs_dim_0) float64 ...
First estimation success with realistic values:
- put
values in vensim (no int) - unify mean of est_param in vensim and in stanify
Dimensions: (draw: 100, chain: 2,
initial_outcome_dim_0: 7,
integrated_result_dim_0: 20,
integrated_result_dim_1: 7,
work_in_process_inventory_dim_0: 20,
expected_order_rate_dim_0: 20,
process_noise_dim_0: 20,
production_start_rate_stocked_dim_0: 20,
production_rate_stocked_dim_0: 20,
backlog_dim_0: 20, inventory_dim_0: 20)
* chain (chain) int64 1 2
* draw (draw) int64 0 1 2 3 4 ... 96 97 98 99
Dimensions without coordinates: initial_outcome_dim_0, integrated_result_dim_0,
expected_order_rate_dim_0, process_noise_dim_0,
production_rate_stocked_dim_0, backlog_dim_0,
Data variables: (12/19)
inventory_adjustment_time (chain, draw) float64 6.306 ... 1.146
minimum_order_processing_time (chain, draw) float64 0.4911 ... 0.4497
m_noise_scale (chain, draw) float64 0.03948 ... 0....
work_in_process_inventory__init (chain, draw) float64 422.2 ... 422.2
expected_order_rate__init (chain, draw) float64 10.01 ... 10.01
process_noise__init (chain, draw) float64 0.1209 ... 0.1209
... ...
expected_order_rate (chain, draw, expected_order_rate_dim_0) float64 ...
process_noise (chain, draw, process_noise_dim_0) float64 ...
production_start_rate_stocked (chain, draw, production_start_rate_stocked_dim_0) float64 ...
production_rate_stocked (chain, draw, production_rate_stocked_dim_0) float64 ...
backlog (chain, draw, backlog_dim_0) float64 ...
inventory (chain, draw, inventory_dim_0) float64 ...
Discussion with Hazhir
0. was S (the number of prior draws)
- [active initial in vensim?] (
Cyclic initialization; meaning of the following?
This will cause Capacity to be initialized at 100; then the first value of target capacity will be Capacity * adjust from utilization. In general, this will not be 100; the initial expression is used only to compute the initial conditions of State variables.
- SM posterior samples representing parameter and data joint (theta, y)
a. S = 2, M = 100, N = 20 weeks
200 theta posterior samples from joint space (theta, y)
b. S = 4, M = 50, N = 20 weeks
200 theta posterior samples from joint space (theta, y)
prior and likelihood distribution for draws2data
, data2draws
- inv_gamma(2,1) leads to "normal scale nan"
setting_assumption = {
"est_param_scalar" : ("inventory_adjustment_time", "minimum_order_processing_time"),
"ass_param_scalar" : ("inventory_coverage", "manufacturing_cycle_time", "safety_stock_coverage", "time_to_average_order_rate", "wip_adjustment_time"),
"target_simulated_vector" : ("production_start_rate_stocked", "production_rate_stocked"),
"driving_data_vector" : ("customer_order_rate", "process_noise_std_norm_data", "production_start_rate_m_noise_trun_norm_data", "production_rate_m_noise_trun_norm_data"),
"model_name": "mngIven",
"integration_times": list(range(1, n_t + 1)),
"initial_time": 0.0
## numeric data (using values in vensim; cannot specify)
numeric_assumption = {
"n_t": n_t,
"customer_order_rate": pd.read_csv('data/example_retail_sales.csv').iloc[:n_t, 1].values,
"process_noise_std_norm_data": np.random.normal(0,1, size=n_t),
"production_start_rate_m_noise_trun_norm_data": truncnorm.rvs(0, 2, size=n_t),
"production_rate_m_noise_trun_norm_data": truncnorm.rvs(0, 2, size=n_t),
"production_start_rate_stocked_obs": truncnorm.rvs(0, 2, size=n_t),
"production_rate_stocked_obs": truncnorm.rvs(0, 2, size=n_t),
model = StanVensimModel(structural_assumption, setting_dict = setting_assumption, numeric_assump_dict = numeric_assumption)
model.set_prior("inventory_adjustment_time", "normal", 2, 0.4, lower=0)
model.set_prior("minimum_order_processing_time", "normal", 0.05, 0.01, lower=0)
model.set_prior("m_noise_scale", "normal", 0.1, 0.02, lower = 0)
PD model enforce symmetry of
while PAD allows asymmetry;data2draws
is blackboxed map of$P_\phi(.|Y)$ . #12 (comment) -
Have you seen any seasonality data from epidemics #32 (comment)
- two different ways of random variable input:
theta ~ N(2,1)
G1: Y|theta = 1
G2: Y|theta = 2
Y = .5(P(Y1 |theta =1) + P(Y1 |theta =2))
Estimate theta from Y
- approximate: symmetric
Discussion on the value of one random variable (prior) can change in one vensim run or fixed (if later, we run S numbers of vensim with different value of parameter then aggregate outcomes)
Because of the implementational restriction of stochasticity, we are enforcing time-varying concepts in vensim?
$\theta \sim N(3, .4)$ - random variable
- driving data: 2, 3, 2, 3,...
comparing the probability of our implemented / numerically computed result.
Y_1, Y_2
Predictive distirbution, or the p of realized data from the assumed model is greater when we assume homogeneity across time and heterogeneity across space.
P(Y_0|M) < P(.5(Y_1 + Y_2)|M)
Filtering is before ergodic or stationary or where time hetereogenity is not settled yet
\theta_t-1 =0.5
\theta_{t} =? generates samples from prior (sampled from a prior distribution = N(\theta_t-1 , 1)
p(D|\theta_t1) + p(D|\theta_t2) + p(D|\theta_t3) + p(D|\theta_t4)
@tomfid I am following your comment on using reference throughput. Thanks. However, I faced the following active initial error and I am not sure about its cause. Especially I don't follow how Process noise std norm data
can be initialized in two different ways (leading to unmatched initial and active).