
DataDog Layer doesn't support arm architecture

pauloprestes opened this issue · 2 comments

Expected Behavior

The Lambda to work with datadog and ARM architecture.

Actual Behavior

Lambda deployed using ARM architecture doesn't work with datadog layer.

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. Deploy lambda using ARM architecture.


  • Datadog Lambda Layer version: 65
  • Node version: 14.x


RequestId: $$$$ Error: fork/exec /opt/extensions/datadog-agent: exec format error

👋 It seems that you're using the Datadog Extension as well. I think you might have the layer built for the wrong architecture.
If you are using the ARM architecture, make sure you've selected the -ARM suffixed layer.
You can find the latest arn values here :

Thanks @maxday , after changing the datadog extension it did work.