
Show NestJS API endpoints as Resources in the Service Page for an AWS Lambda service

bhrutledge opened this issue · 0 comments

Expected Behavior

NestJS endpoints (e.g. GET /users/{id}, POST /users/} appear as Resources in the Service Catalog page

Actual Behavior

On the Service Catalog page, the only Resource that's listed is the Lambda. However, for FastAPI Python applications deployed in a similar manner, the Service Catalog page shows all of the API endpoints as Resources. I noticed that for the FastAPI applications, the "primary operation" is fastapi.request. For the NestJS applications, it's aws.lambda, with no additional option for anything related to NestJS.

I read about "Complex framework usage" in Node.js Compatibility Requirements, but it looks like initializing dd-trace is already done in datadog-lambda-js/src/runtime/module_importer.js

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

My NestJS application is deployed as a Lambda via the AWS CDK. I'm using the Datadog construct from datadog-cdk-constructs. I'm getting traces, logs, and metrics in Datadog.


  • Datadog Lambda Layer version: extensionLayerVersion: 62 and nodeLayerVersion: 113
  • Node version:18.x