
Version 1.31.0 is missing in tags

mfechner opened this issue · 6 comments

Dear all,

FreeBSD depends for go modules on tags hosted on github.
It seems that the go modules was released here:

But not on github.

To be able to build packages using version 1.31.0 FreeBSD ( requires the package to be existing on github.

Is it possible to add the missing tag?

Thanks a lot.

cc @knusbaum @gbbr I can add the tag, should I? Or was 1.31.0 released to by accident?


gbbr commented

We will be releasing v1.31.0 next, and then it should be fine. Not exactly sure how this happened...

Not exactly sure how this happened...

What I wrote in golang/go#46348 (comment) may be relevant.

Perhaps PR #910 and issue #911 are also relevant, since there are mentions of v1.31.0 in them, and their dates are close to the index date.

We will be releasing v1.31.0 next, and then it should be fine.

Please be mindful that if v1.31.0 was published previously and its tag was deleted, there may be checksum entries for that version in some user's go.sum files and in the checksum database (, so if v1.31.0 is published with a different content, it will have a non-matching checkum. (If it's pushed with the same content, the checksum will match.)

It would be very safe to publish a new, higher version like v1.31.1 or v1.32.0, which would become the new "latest" stable release version (and can be used instead of v1.31.0).

Module retraction may also be relevant here, since it might be easier to just skip this version and move forward.

gbbr commented

Thanks for jumping in here @dmitshur. I'd suggest that probably the best solution here would be to go for v1.31.1 as a "patch" for the bad tag incident.

Version v1.31.1 has just been published, so this should be fixed. Version v1.31.0 is still not available, but any future go get should get the later version, not the bad v1.31.0 version.

Sorry for the inconvenience.