`IOError` during tracing when running `PG::Connection#exec` in a thread
Opened this issue · 1 comments
tdeo commented
Current behaviour
We're getting the following IOError when using the parallel
gem in the following way:
IOError: stream closed in another thread (IOError)
from ddtrace (1.23.3) lib/datadog/tracing/contrib/pg/instrumentation.rb:27:in `exec'
from ddtrace (1.23.3) lib/datadog/tracing/contrib/pg/instrumentation.rb:27:in `block in exec'
from ddtrace (1.23.3) lib/datadog/tracing/contrib/pg/instrumentation.rb:142:in `block in trace'
from ddtrace (1.23.3) lib/datadog/tracing/trace_operation.rb:198:in `block in measure'
from ddtrace (1.23.3) lib/datadog/tracing/span_operation.rb:150:in `measure'
from ddtrace (1.23.3) lib/datadog/tracing/trace_operation.rb:198:in `measure'
from ddtrace (1.23.3) lib/datadog/tracing/tracer.rb:385:in `start_span'
from ddtrace (1.23.3) lib/datadog/tracing/tracer.rb:159:in `block in trace'
from ddtrace (1.23.3) lib/datadog/tracing/context.rb:45:in `activate!'
from ddtrace (1.23.3) lib/datadog/tracing/tracer.rb:158:in `trace'
from ddtrace (1.23.3) lib/datadog/tracing.rb:18:in `trace'
from ddtrace (1.23.3) lib/datadog/tracing/contrib/pg/instrumentation.rb:105:in `trace'
from ddtrace (1.23.3) lib/datadog/tracing/contrib/pg/instrumentation.rb:26:in `exec'
from packs/devtools/db/app/services/devtools/fork_database_helper.rb:217:in `block in analyze'
My usage:
# packs/devtools/db/app/services/devtools/fork_database_helper.rb
def analyze(tables_to_analyze)
Parallel.each(tables_to_analyze, in_threads: 4) do |table|
conn = PG::Connection.new(connection_string)
conn.exec("ANALYZE #{table}") # This is line 217
conn.finish if conn && !conn.finished?
Expected behaviour
No error is thrown
Steps to reproduce
Running the code above
- datadog version:
ddtrace (1.23.3)
,libdatadog (
- Configuration block (
Datadog.configure ...
Datadog.configure do |c|
c.diagnostics.debug if ENV['DD_DEBUG'].present?
c.tracing.partial_flush.enabled = %w[t true 1].include?(ENV['DD_PARTIAL_FLUSH'])
c.profiling.enabled = true
c.profiling.advanced.force_enable_gc_profiling = true
c.env = Rails.env.to_s
c.service = Rails.application.class.module_parent.name.downcase
c.version = ENV['SOURCE_VERSION']
c.tracing.instrument :rails, request_queuing: :exclude_request
c.tracing.instrument :sidekiq, tag_args: true, service_name: 'sidekiq'
if ENV['REDIS_URL'].present?
c.tracing.instrument :redis, describes: { url: ENV['REDIS_URL'] }, service_name: 'redis'
if ENV['REDIS_CACHE_URL'].present?
c.tracing.instrument :redis, describes: { url: ENV['REDIS_CACHE_URL'] }, service_name: 'redis-cache'
c.tracing.instrument :http, split_by_domain: true
c.tracing.instrument :httpclient, split_by_domain: true
c.tracing.instrument :stripe
c.tracing.instrument :aws
c.tracing.instrument :rake
c.tracing.instrument :pg, comment_propagation: 'full'
# Track read-replica separately from primary
c.tracing.instrument :active_record, describes: :primary_replica, service_name: 'jeancaisse-postgres-replica'
# Enable DataDog runtime metrics (currently in beta phase)
c.runtime_metrics.enabled = true
# Add tags to all traces (documentation: https://datadoghq.dev/dd-trace-rb/#environment-and-tags)
# The repository URL is hardcoded because it's not expected to change frequently.
# If it does change, it will break the source code integration for DataDog, which can be easily fixed.
c.tags = {
'git.repository_url' => 'https://github.com/pennylane-hq/jeancaisse',
'git.commit.sha' => ENV['SOURCE_VERSION'],
- Ruby version:
ruby 3.3.4 (2024-07-09 revision be1089c8ec) [aarch64-linux]
- Operating system::
aarch64 GNU/Linux
running in a Docker image originating fromruby:3.3.4-slim-bookworm
- Relevant library versions:
parallel (1.26.3)
ivoanjo commented
Hey @tdeo! Thanks for the report, and for the patience with our slow answer >_>
Yesterday I set aside some time to try to reproduce this and... I wasn't successful.
It sounds like you may be able to trigger this this on your side. If you're still up to helping us debug and fix this (if not -- that's ok! We did take a bunch of time to get back to you), can I ask you to try:
- If you can still trigger this issue with
c.profiling.enabled = false
- If you can still trigger this issue without
c.tracing.instrument :pg, comment_propagation: 'full'
While we don't know of issues with either of those two currently, I think those would be the most likely culprits for pinning this down.