
Support provided.al2023 runtime

gpalanivelu opened this issue ยท 3 comments

Expected Behavior

lambda layer gets added to the function that uses provided.al2023 runtime

Actual Behavior

getting this message
Unable to add Lambda Layers to function {function-name} with runtime provided.al2023

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

deploy a go sample using al2023 (aws recommendation to use that runtime) the extension doesn't get added.


  • Serverless Framework version: 3.38.0
  • Datadog Serverless Plugin version: 5.57.1
  • Lambda function runtime (Python 3.7, Node 10, etc.): provided.al2023 (Go)

Hi @gpalanivelu I was able to reproduce this issue with Amazon Linux 2023. Working on the next steps.

Thanks for the quick fix ๐Ÿ™‡