Add support for serverless v4
Closed this issue ยท 3 comments
Expected Behavior
npm i serverless-plugin-datadog --save-dev
should work when using serverless framework version 4+
Actual Behavior
npm ERR! Could not resolve dependency:
npm ERR! peer serverless@"3.x || 2.x || 1.x" from serverless-plugin-datadog@5.66.0
Steps to Reproduce the Problem
- Install serverless v4
npm i serverless-plugin-datadog --save-dev
- Serverless Framework version: 4.1.5
- Datadog Serverless Plugin version: 5.66.0
- Lambda function runtime (Python 3.7, Node 10, etc.): Node v18.16.0
Hi @jboone100, thanks for reaching out. We haven't seen much organic interest in v4. Presumably this is due to the license change among other factors, so I suspect many folks are moving away from Serverless Framework towards CDK and SST.
But we'll keep this ticket open to await more feedback while we explore loosening the dependency.
I would be surprised if there isn't great demand for V4 - the license change does not affect small companies and larger companies will probably appreciate the enhanced support. TBH I'm more likely to stick with serverless v4 and drop datadog if support for v4 doesn't arrive soon