
Timecodes for "DE Zoomcamp 2.2.3 - ETL with GCP & Prefect"

iobruno opened this issue · 8 comments

0:00 Introduction
0:23 Setting up up the environment
2:53 Scenario explanation
3:37 Prefect Flow: pandas DataFrame to Google Cloud Storage
7:18 Prefect Task: Extract Dataset from the Web with retries
11:52 Prefect Task: Data Cleanup
17:16 Prefect Task: Write to Local Filesystem
21:08 Prefect Task: Write to GCS - Part I
22:05 Google Cloud Storage: Overview
24:09 Prefect Blocks: GCS Bucket
26:14 Prefect Blocks: GCP Credentials & Service Account
29:53 Prefect Blocks: Write to GCS - Part II
34:04 Wrapping up & Review

Updated timecodes! Thank you

@amitfrancis Um... I think the timecodes set for the 2.2.3 Video are using the ones I have set for the 2.2.2, instead

Done! I changed it

@amitfrancis we might need to revisit this one once again :(

The 2.2.3 video is still using the timecodes from the 2.2.2

At least that's what it looks like on my end here:

Apologies! I just removed the timecodes for 2.2.3. I'm reopening this again

No problem at all! Timecodes should be these ones:

0:00 Introduction
0:23 Setting up up the environment
2:53 Scenario explanation
3:37 Prefect Flow: pandas DataFrame to Google Cloud Storage
7:18 Prefect Task: Extract Dataset from the Web with retries
11:52 Prefect Task: Data Cleanup
17:16 Prefect Task: Write to Local Filesystem
21:08 Prefect Task: Write to GCS - Part I
22:05 Google Cloud Storage: Overview
24:09 Prefect Blocks: GCS Bucket
26:14 Prefect Blocks: GCP Credentials & Service Account
29:53 Prefect Blocks: Write to GCS - Part II
34:04 Wrapping up & Review

Thank you!