
Switch to different Tabbar on the same page?

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Wondering if this is supported, I'm trying to switch to a different tabbar altogether for one of the pages, however I notice the bar is identified via an id #tabbar rather than a class name. This means I can't have more than one tabbar in my app, which is something I really need.

I tried looking for examples where the existing tabbar is destroyed and a new one initialized, but I cant find any either - is this possible at all?

Thanks in advance!

I solved this the silly way - by swapping id for #tabbar to the new one and calling jQT.refreshTabbar().

If there is a smarter/correct way, please share!

Btw is there a callback for after the bars have been successfully created? Without having to setTimeout and keep checking jQT.barsReady?

I think that's the best way right now. the tabbar class is for future development.