
Dynamic List Links not executing code

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Am having an issue where a dynamically created list of links, once click on they don't execute the code they're supposed to.
A test hardcoded list item link does however work. - Strange. Have I missed something?

Project works like this:

Page 1
Search options - User selects options and clicks find.
On the click search options are taken, XML is loaded and searched using option taken.

Page 2
A Dynamic list of results is created on from results.
Once one is clicked on more details are shown on page 3
The Dynamic links goto page 3 but do not execute the code (load details from xml).
Code is set to execute on a Click/Tap of a list item.

Page 3
More details should be shown.
Details only shown on a hardcoded test list item link.

Any ideas / suggestions?

Just a I post this I find answer, sorry.

I was using this to execute code:

$('#theResults li a').bind('tap',function(){
// my code

But changed it to this and now works:

$('#theResults li a').live('click',function(){
// my code

Had to use 'click' not 'tap' as it didn't work with 'tap'.

Hold on it actually doesn't work on an iPhone.
Have tried this:
But no joy.

Any ideas?