Problems with creating conditional Orders on bybit
Hutmacher42 opened this issue · 0 comments
Hello, thx for your CCXT-Store
i wanna know how can i create conditional orders in bybit?
i dont know how that mapping works, but it seems its not correct for bybit
broker_mapping = {
'order_types': {
bt.Order.Market: 'market',
bt.Order.Limit: 'limit',
bt.Order.Stop: 'stop-loss', # stop-loss for kraken, stop for bitmex
bt.Order.StopLimit: 'stop limit'
'mappings': {
'closed_order': {
'key': 'status',
'value': 'closed'
'canceled_order': {
'key': 'status',
'value': 'canceled'
My questions are:
How can i create a conditional Market orders ( StopMarket ) in bybit ?
How can i add SL/TP to a Limit or Market order ?
Where i can find the right Mapping formats for each exchange (Binance, Bitmex, OKX, etc...)