1.0 - Folder structure 2.0 - Building the app 2.1 - Development Building 2.2 - Production Building

3.0 -

1.0 - Folder structure

app/ -- shared/ // reusable components of site << ----- sidebar/ -------- sidebarDirective.js -------- sidebarView.html ----- footer/ -------- footerDirective.js -------- footerView.html -- components/ // each component gets treated as an individual app ----- home/ -------- homeController.js -------- homeService.js -------- homeView.html ----- budget/ -------- budgetController.js -------- budgetService.js -------- budgetView.html -- app.module.js -- app.routes.js assets/ -- img/ // images and icons for the app -- css/ // all styles and style related files (SCSS, SASS, LESS file) -- js/ // JavaScrpt files writeen for the app, that are not for angular -- libs/ // Thrid party libraries liek jQuery, etc. index.html

2.3 Template for *.html files using grunt-targethtml

<script src="dev.js"></script> <script> var less = { env:'development' }; </script>