
#file becomes #filePath in Swift 5.3, #file will now just be the fileName

clausjoergensen opened this issue · 3 comments

The following code in the BaseDestination becomes obsolete due to SE-0274 as #file will now just be the fileName, whereas #filePath will be the full path.

if showFileName {
    extendedDetails += "[\((logDetails.fileName as NSString).lastPathComponent)\((showLineNumber ? ":" + String(logDetails.lineNumber) : ""))] "

The code can then be changed to

if showFileName {
    extendedDetails += "[\(logDetails.fileName)\((showLineNumber ? ":" + String(logDetails.lineNumber) : ""))] "

Swift 5.3 is currently available in the Xcode 12 beta.

Module compiled with Swift 5.2.2 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.3 compiler:


No more update?

@clausjoergensen Did you resolve?