
How Can I color with font

wfs498121294 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello ,

I use ANSIColorLogFormatter, but it not work
let ansiColorLogFormatter = ANSIColorLogFormatter()
log.formatters = [ansiColorLogFormatter]

so I find ColoredConsole can color logger , but I do not have idea work with XXGLogger . can you help me

I use it as this


I do not know how to cofigure it

Xcode no longer supports ANSI colour in the console so ANSIColorLogFormatter isn't useful there anymore. It can be used if you're outputting your logs to a file and then watching that file in a terminal that does support ANSI colours.

The ColoredConsole project uses a custom font to display colour. I don't see why you couldn't create a custom LogFormatter that then uses ColoredConsole to colourize the text.