This package emerged through the need of a custom state manager for IBMs Carbon Design Data table component. The default behavior of the component (sorting, filtering, searching) can only be overwritten by implementing an own Custom State manager.
Read more about it here: carbon-design-system/carbon#6373 (comment)
After implementing this custom state manager, I realized that I need the same code in many projects, so this package was born.
The initial code was taken from the example implementation by IBM: carbon-design-system/carbon#6373 (comment)
The package was written with a focus on displaying time series data.
You can supply a column named "time" and an optional Day.js format string.
The time column will then be formatted according to this format string (default is YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm). Additionaly if you supply
a title prop, the Table will show a description in the form from <start date> till <end date>
Requires Carbon components v10, migration to v11 is coming soon.
"@carbon/icons-react": "10.x",
"carbon-components": "10.x",
"carbon-components-react": "7.x",
"react": ">=16",
"react-dom": ">=16"
yarn add carbon-data-table-state-manager
npm i carbon-data-table-state-manager --save
import { CarbonDataTableStateManager } from "carbon-data-table-state-manager";
import { TABLE_SORT_DIRECTION } from "carbon-data-table-state-manager/misc";
const columns = [
title: "Time",
id: "time",
sortCycle: "tri-states-from-ascending",
title: "Temperature",
small: `in °C`,
id: "temperature",
sortCycle: "tri-states-from-ascending",
title: "Humidity",
small: `in %`,
id: "humidity",
sortCycle: "tri-states-from-ascending",
const rows = [
time: 1614927420,
temperature: -0.7,
humidity: 93,
time: 2021-03-05T02:57:00.000Z,
temperature: 1.2,
humidity: 77,
pageSizes={[10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500]}
columnId: "timeParsed",
See the Storybook for more examples.
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
collator? | Intl.Collator | new Intl.Collator() | An Intl.Collator object for string comparison. |
columns |
The table headers / column definitions | |
hasSelection? | boolean | false | Should the table allow for selection? |
id? | string | ||
pageSize | number | 5 | Default page size. |
rows |
The actual table rows. | |
size? | "compact" | "lg" | "md" | "normal" | "short" | "sm" | "tall" | "xl" | "xs" | normal | Table cell size. |
sortInfo |
Default sorting state | |
start | number | 0 | Offset |
zebra? | boolean | Use zebra styling for table rows | |
title? | string | Table title | |
dateFormat? | string |
Day.js format string for formatting the |
pageSizes? | number[] | Array of available page sizes for the Pagination. | |
emptyCell? | string | "-" | String to render when column has no data. |