
is it possible to click on icon in the list to drag ? not the entire list click

achuthhadnoor opened this issue · 3 comments

now it is like we can click on list to drag and drop!
can i click on an icon in the list to drag?

<draggable class="list-group" element="ul" v-model="lists" :options="dragOptions" :move="onMove" @start="isDragging=true" @end="isDragging=false"> <transition-group type="transition" :name="'flip-list'"> <div class="icon-list selected" v-for="list in lists" :key='list.order'> <!-- some code --> <i class="faa fa-android></i> </div> </transition-group> </draggable>

in above code we can click any part of div to drag
i want to drag using an icon in it.

Use draghandle. Check the documentation and dlosed issue.

I actually didn't get you 😑 and u please be specific, thanks in advance

If I understand you well, you need to use handle option, check here for description https://github.com/RubaXa/Sortable