
Editing the test source file causes the CodeLens "Go To Tree|Run|Debug" links to be misplaced

Closed this issue · 1 comments

When I edit the test code the CodeLens links "Go To Tree|Run|Debug" get messed up (show in the wrong places. Here is how it looks initially (when you just open the source file):

And this is an example of how it can look after you re-arrange the code (add new functions, delete, move code, etc):

Very easy to reproduce. The only fix is to close the source file and open it again (which is pretty annoying and slows you down considerably when you're working on the tests). I would have preferred to not see these links (or have a way to turn them off) if they're not working properly. This is probably the most counter-productive issue I encountered with this (otherwise very useful) extension.

MacOS 10.13.6
VS Code Version 1.28.1 (1.28.1)
GoogleTest Adapter version 1.2.4
Latest gtest version (1.8.1)

@ftrofin I am aware of this issue, and mentioned it in the readme. As I understand that this could be confusing, there is a setting to turn Codelens off. Just set gtest-adapter.showCodeLens to false.