

Is the beginnings of a online personal library index system, you will be able to catalog your books by adding descritptions and images of them, which will allow you to personally keep track of what you do and don't have and be able to share with others so you can lend to your friends.



  • allow for seperation of peoples libraries by having login
  • easily be able to add, update, or remove books from your personal library
  • clearly view all books within library or bring up specific details about a book
  • be able to apply genre tags for future plans

Libraries and Dependencies

Library Description
React Front-end user interface
React Router allows to link between pages
Axios Api Calls to back end
Ruby/rails Backend language and database manipulation
Flexbox CSS styling for font-end

Client (Front End)



Component Tree


Component Hierarchy

|__ assets/
      |__ fonts
|__ components/
      |__ Header.jsx
      |__ Main.jsx
          |__ Register.jsx
          |__ Login.jsx
          |__ Books.jsx
          |__ Book.jsx
              |__ DeleteBook.jsx
          |__ AddBook.jsx
          |__ EditBook.jsx
       |__ services/
       |__ utils
          |__ api-config

Component Breakdown

Component Type state props Description
Header functional y y the header will be a shared element that will contain site name and login/registerlogout functionality
main functional n n The navigation will provide a link to each of the pages.
App functional n n will be render spot and home of header
Books functional n y will be User default page on sign in and will display all books currently in their library, and connection point for creating a new book.
Book functional n n will be a Book detail paage where you can jump to edit or delete of a specific book
BookDelete functional y y will what deletes specfic book from user library
BookEdit functional y n form to update book information
BookAdd functional y y form to add a new book to database/user library
Login functional y y will send infomration back to verify account exists and show user information
Register functional y n form to create a new user and initialize a empty library

Time Estimates

Task Priority Estimated Time Time Invested Actual Time
begin Backend H 3 hrs
create crud actions H 3 hrs
Schema H 2hrs
tables m 2hrs
Test backend l 1hrs
begin front end skeleton H 3hrs
api config and test H 2hrs
begiin indiviudal pages H 9hrs
css m 5hrs
TOTAL 36 hrs

Server (Back End)

ERD Model



  • Sort by genre
  • make sure multiple books of same name are not added to database
  • reccomnded reading based on genre
  • review section
  • search to look if a book is already in system
  • to add a status function, if you are reading a book, have read the book, if it is lent out to someone. maybe even how you own it digital, audio, physical

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