Primary LanguagePython

AHP code for the example Chapter 2 (Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis)

Criteria for shop location decision

Criterion Explanation
Visibility Probability that a random passer-by notices the shop
Competition Level of competition in the area
Frequency Average number of customers in similar shops in the area
Rental cost Average rental cost by square meter

Preference Scale

Degree of importance Definition Spanish
1 Equal importance Igualmente preferible
2 Weak Entre igualmente y moderadamente preferible
3 Moderate importance Moderadamente preferible
4 Moderate plus Entre moderadamente y fuertemente preferible
5 Strong importance Fuertemente preferible
6 Strong plus Entre fuertemente y muy fuertemente preferible
7 Very strong or demon-strated importance Muy fuertemente preferible
8 Very, very strong Entre muy fuertemente y extremadamente preferible
9 Extreme importance Extremadamente preferible