
Player health doesn't work

Closed this issue · 5 comments

When I reload the plugin, the health of players appear and disappear after 1 secondes... I think don't have any plugin that could be replace players names :

Paper 1.20.4

What version of the plugin are you using? Please send me all .yml files of HealthBar (you can paste them into PasteBin or upload the file directly).

Here is my config.yml :



I tested your config and have no problem keeping the health bar fixed.
My advice for figuring out which plugin(s) are interfering is to try removing and putting in plugins until you get the expect behavior. Then, if you want, let me know which one it is so I can update the list of incompatible plugins.

I found it... It was Simple TabList (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/%E2%98%86-simple-tablist-%E2%98%86%E3%80%8A1-16-x-1-20-x%E3%80%8B-animated-hex-colors.101989/)... but I don't understand why it break HealthBar Reloaded

Thanks for the report. I'll add it to the list of non-compatible plugins for the time being. If the developer one day adds an API, maybe something can be done to make them compatible.