
The response is undefined

lisasu-g opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi, I write a demo from the README file

const { investing } = require("investing-com-api");

async function main() {
  const response = await investing("currencies/eur-usd");
  console.log(`response is ${response}`);
  // response = [ { date: Timestamp, value: Number }, {...}, ... ]


and I get the result from the terminal. I don't know what's wrong. Thank you!

node ./main.js 
No response.data.candles found
response is undefined

It's working correctly to me, just tested. Please try with this code and let me know what it prints:

const { investing } = require('investing-com-api')

async function main () {
  try {
    const response = await investing('currencies/eur-usd')
  } catch (err) {


Firstly, I want to say thank you to you. The output information is below.

nvesting-node-test AlexLee$ node ./main.js 
No response.data.candles found

I don't know, I think your code is not the same as the one I posted above.
Please give me your complete code and tell me your Node.js version (node --version), npm version (npm --version) and investing-com-api version (check package.json).

You can see the package working correctly here if you paste the code I posted above and clicking Run. Screenshot

Thank you for your reply.
I push everything to the GitHub repo(https://github.com/djangoIee/investing-com-api-demo).
Is there any chance that you could help me to check the code?

I don't know, I think your code is not the same as the one I posted above.
Please give me your complete code and tell me your Node.js version (node --version), npm version (npm --version) and investing-com-api version (check package.json).

You can see the package working correctly here if you paste the code I posted above and clicking Run. Screenshot

node --version

npm --version

Try to update to latest node version (v14) and post here you complete code, if different from above.