
dereferencing pointer to incomplete type 'ac_smart_nt262_t {aka struct ac_smart_nt262_size}'

shristigarg opened this issue · 0 comments

Error dereferencing pointer to incomplete type 'ac_smart_nt262_t {aka struct ac_smart_nt262_size}'
structure definition:
#ifndef SMART_NT262_H
#define SMART_NT262_H
#define SMART_NT262_STRUCTNAME ac_smart_nt262 /< Name of the smart_nt262 instance structure. \hideinitializer */
#define SMART_NT262_STRUCTNAME ac_smart_nt262_size /
< Name of the smart_nt262 instance structure. \hideinitializer /
* smart_nt262 instance structure
typedef struct SMART_NT262_STRUCTNAME ac_smart_nt262_t;

/** smart_nt262 application instance handle
typedef ac_smart_nt262_t *ac_hsmart_nt262_t;

struct ac_smart_nt262
boot_profile_t BootParams;
bool bGSMDbg;
bool bGPSDbg;
bool bIRNSSDbg;