Frist 50 Project Euler Problems in Golang


So I saw this post and heeded the challenge to complete the first 50 problems in Golang.

The thinking is that it will be fun and should make me a better developer

The List

Original Link

# Title Completed
1 Multiples of 3 & 5 [x]
2 Even Fibonacci numbers [x]
3 Largest prime factor [ ]
4 Largest palindrome product [ ]
5 Smallest multiple [ ]
6 Sum square difference [ ]
7 10001st prime [ ]
8 Largest product in a series [ ]
9 Special Pythagorean triplet [ ]
10 Summation of primes [ ]
11 Largest product in a grid [ ]
12 Highly divisible triangular number [ ]
13 Large sum [ ]
14 Longest Collatz sequence [ ]
15 Lattice paths [ ]
16 Power digit sum [ ]
17 Number letter counts [ ]
18 Maximum path sum I [ ]
19 Counting Sundays [ ]
20 Factorial digit sum [ ]
21 Amicable numbers [ ]
22 Names scores [ ]
23 Non-abundant sums [ ]
24 Lexicographic permulations [ ]
25 1000-digit Fibonacci number [ ]
