

dsmithco opened this issue · 5 comments

Can postgres_ext-serializers work with jbuilder?

@dsmithco I don't think so, it was designed around ActiveModel::Serializers. I know that @danmcclain wanted to move away from this but to my knowledge this hasn't happened yet.

@bcardarella you are correct. With moving away, I plan to have it use a structure similar to AMS, but with proper abstraction it may be possible to support both easily

Under further consideration, I want to move this away from AMS, but use AMS styled syntax. At the same time, we'll likely not support jbuilder.

@danmcclain I'm curious, could you elaborate on "move this away from AMS, but use AMS styled syntax" would this become a standalone feature / plugin, would we be still be able to plug it on AMS ?

@chollier The tentative plan is to make postgres_ext-serializers a standalone feature. With that in mind, I am a fan of the way that AMS declares their serialization, so I plan to have it follow that format.