
how to load this code?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi, i am sorry for asking a question that maybe stupid. I was looking at https://github.com/daniel-jong/esp8266_p1meter an build this board. Loading the .INO gave me some errors and lookin on the issues tab, i came across this solution. Coulbe be the way to go for me, want to test it. I understand that i have to rename the secret file after i edited it. But how do i load youre files onto the ESP? I expected a .INO file. Thanks!

It's build and uploaded using platformio. once you have that up and running you can compile & flash it either from the IDE or command line.

i looked into that, buit i aint going to be able to use it, not familiar with it. Is it possible to maybe add a arduino file or ESPhome code? Thanks in advance !

I do not have the time to help you with that. You could try renaming the src/main.cpp to ino and see where you can get. But it won't be compatible with ESPHome.

The readme has been updated, I'm closing this issue, if unclear please re-open and point it out.