
401 Unauthorized

clabnet opened this issue · 3 comments

cloned this repository, Win10,

D:\Weblabs\cabbage>node -v

D:\Weblabs\cabbage>npx -v

yarn dev
401 Unauthorized

Why ?

The problem is here.

        accessToken: process.env.API_KEY,
        cacheProvider: 'memory',

I know because the .env is not found on repository.

Can I remove the call to storyblok to run the template without it ?

Hi @clabnet, to make this demo work you will need to create your own space in Storyblok following the series that explain it, starting from this one: https://www.dawntraoz.com/blog/create-a-dashboard-with-tailwindcss-adding-storyblok/

And add your Storyblok token in the .env variable API_KEY.

I have now also added this information to the Readme.md to avoid possible confusion.

Thank you very much for creating the issue and for letting me know if you need help setting up your space or just wanted to extract the design of the application, let me know, and I will be happy to help you.