
Type-safe and Scala-friendly library over Chart.js

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


Type-safe and Scala-friendly library over Chart.js.

Dependency Info



Get started

I assume that you have setup a ScalaJS project before. If this is not the case you can follow the instructions and some basic example on the Scala.js homepage.

Include Chart.js on your page

 <script src="Chart.js"></script>

Or better yet... if you are using WebJAR you can simply include the following line in your build.sbt

"org.webjars"                 % "chartjs"              % "1.0.2"


Add the following dependency to your porject.

"io.surfkit" %%% "scalajs-chart" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT",

Some Examples

Here are some of the Chartjs examples demonstrated in a type safe scalaJS way.


Initialize ...

object todo{
