JigsawNewDataset Class error
talhazaidi13 opened this issue · 3 comments
talhazaidi13 commented
I am trying to run the code, but i am getting an error while executing the following line inside the JigsawNewDataset Class
` all_perm = np.load('permutations_%d.npy' % (classes))
I have looked through all the files and there isn't a file called permuations.npy as part of the code or the dataset. I have looked through the code and can't seem to find a line that generates the said file.
Help would be appreciated
Johnzhangt commented
This file is generated reused from another Github Code. You can take a reference at https://github.com/fmcarlucci/JigenDG
talhazaidi13 commented
Thankyou so much, I get these files now
Justinhzy commented
Hi, sorry about the error. please annotate the code all_perm = np.load('permutations_%d.npy' % (classes)).