Deadbeef resets playlist columns when starting if one has a newline (0xa) in Format
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taitox commented
Steps to reproduce the problem
The most common way for me to unknowingly reproduce this problem is to copy from Telegram's code markdown, which has a "copy" symbol you can click to copy the text, but it comes with a 0xa in the end of the code.
What's going on? Describe the problem in as much detail as possible.
Create new column, input whatever in Format with newline, newline is shown as a character, a "return" symbol.
As said, 0xa breaks any columns setup when Deadbeef is starting. All columns are reset to the default state. There's no way to load a column setup, and then I need to recreate everything again. Silly, but annoying.
Information about the software:
Deadbeef version: 1.9.6-2, AUR
OS: Linux, kernel 6.8.8-arch1-1
Thank you for working on Deadbeef.