
[Bug Report]: Custom Items 'No Translation Found Label'

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The Long Dark Version


Mod Version


Other Mods Installed

  1. CraftingRevisions v2.2.2
  2. DeveloperConsole v1.5.1
  3. DisableBreathEffect v1.4
  4. GearSpawner v2.3.2
  5. LocalizationUtilities v2.0.0
  6. ModComponent v6.2.1
  7. ModSettings v2.0.0
  8. SkipIntroRedux v3.1.1
  9. UnityExplorer v4.9.4
  10. Universal Tweaks v1.1.0-DeveloperBuild

Describe the Issue

When picking up a custom item within the Inspect Menu, where the rarity is supposed to be No Translation Found comes up. I assume this is because the item doesn't have an assigned rarity at all, so no matter the language this will come up regardless.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Add any custom .modcomponent items.
  2. Pick it up.
  3. In the inspect menu, the No Translation Found label should be there.

Log Output




This issue was revolved in the latest update v1.1.3.