
Error when converting directory on OSX, .DS_Store causes runtime error

velara3 opened this issue ยท 18 comments

When defining a directory I'm getting an error:


waifu2x-converter-cpp --model-dir /Users/user/Documents/waifu2x-converter-cpp/models --scale- 
ratio 2 -i /Users/user/Documents/testfolder -o /Users/user/Documents/testoutput


We're going to be operating in a directory. dir:"/Users/user/Documents/testfolder"
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::out_of_range: basic_string
Abort trap: 6

Please capture the version string by using


waifu2x-converter-cpp --version


It works fine with me in version

v5.2.4 (master-b4566c0) <- in Release page
v5.2.4 (master-a268359) <- latest

waifu2x-converter-cpp --version

waifu2x-converter-cpp version: v5.2.4 (master-1eea2b3)

FYI using OSX

I edited some codes can affect to this issue. please re-compile project with latest codes (It should be master-a268359)

sorry I created many PRs in yesterday and there is some commits that i forgot to push. I will make new PR in a hour and please try that version. I will add comment when codes are ready

please try in osx_dir_support branch.

'git checkout osx_dir_support'

checkout to osx_dir_support branch then try to build again in normal way.

version string should be v5.2.4 (osx_dir_support-7e6a1ea)

I ran: ./waifu2x-converter-cpp --version

./waifu2x-converter-cpp version: v5.2.4 (osx_dir_support-7e6a1ea)'.

Then I run /Users/user/Documents/waifu2x-converter-cpp/waifu2x-converter-cpp --jobs 2 --scale-ratio 2 --mode noise-scale --noise-level 3 -c 0 -f png --input '/Users/user/Documents/test/' --output '/Users/user/Documents/test2/'

And getting the same error:

CPU: Intel(R)...
We're going to be operating in a directory. dir:"/Users/user/Documents/test/"
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::out_of_range: basic_string
Abort trap: 6

Is it possible to checkout an earlier release and that would fix the issue?

do you have a previous version that works fine with OSX? if you have, please let us know which version that works.

you can chekout specific version.



I switched to 5.4.2 and when running cmake again it had this message:

-- Found git, set version to: v5.2.4 (HEAD-b4566c0)
-- System is: Darwin (Apple)
CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR not found or specified
-- CUDA not found. disabled.
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done

I then built using > make -j4 and ran previous command as before. The output was better but stumbled on DS_Store.

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7360U CPU @ 2.30GHz
We're going to be operating in a directory. dir:"/Users/user/Documents/test"
[1/3] ".DS_Store"
Floating point exception: 8

When I removed .DS_Store it ran successfully.

However the message above when using cmake is new:

CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR not found or specified

@velara3 when you don't use CUDA, you can ignore warnings about CUDA. it's ok.

FYI I rechecked out osx_directory_support and master and it also works now.

It looks like the original error is caused by the .DS_Store being in the directory. If I remove that file all versions appear to work correctly. FYI .DS_Store is hidden by default on OSX.

when i create .DS_Store in windows, it does not make error. (so i cannot reproduce this situation)

it looks like format checking function making error in osx.

in branch integrated_unicode_support could fix this problem (crashing due to .DS_Store)


$ ./waifu2x-converter-cpp --version

./waifu2x-converter-cpp version: v5.2.4 (integrated_unicode_support-3638728)

Same error:

libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::out_of_range: basic_string
Abort trap: 6

When delete of .DS_Store directory conversion is successful, when .DS_Store exists error.

PS .DS_Store is automatically created by OSX sometimes on various user operations.

could you please testing in branch integrated_unicode_support, d4b5a2f

I added some check function to catch file not supported.

PS. Did you build with OpenCV or not??

I am running cmake and make commands mentioned in the Build document each time I have changed to a different branch.

cmake -DOPENCV_PREFIX=/usr/local/Cellar/opencv/4.1.0_1 .

waifu2x-converter-cpp --version

./waifu2x-converter-cpp version: v5.2.4 (integrated_unicode_support-d4b5a2f)

It is now working in my tests. When .DS_Store is encountered it shows this message:

We're going to be operating in a directory. dir:"/Users/test/Documents/test"
Skipping file '.DS_Store' for having an unsupported file extension ()
[1/2] "test.jpg"

OK! It is working what it should be.

Thank you for your help!

@velara3 when you don't use CUDA, you can ignore warnings about CUDA. it's ok.

What does it mean? I am using CPU on my computer but want to use it on another computer that has a GPU and I am making a binary for it. Will ignoring this message cause issues on another computer?