Some manpages are incomplete / cut off
dosimple opened this issue · 8 comments
Like here:
The page only half covers until the section "Shell Patterns"and rest is missing.
We’ve had a similar report recently: #100
I still cannot reproduce the issue.
Which browser are you using? Can you enable the developer tools and tell me which IP address you’re hitting?
Now the dash manpage works. But wget doesn't. My browser is firefox 59.0.1. But I seem to be getting the complete page content and it may just be a firefox bug.
The IP address I'm hitting is
I can observe the following in Firefox 58: pressing C-l to get the page from cache makes it show up completely, and disabling the cache makes it not show up competely.
Seems like a Firefox bug to me. Can you report it in the Firefox bug tracker please?
The issue is reported to mozilla.
Sorry, I can not find the link. I might have used their bug reporting tool outside of their Bugzilla. I followed "Report an issue with a web site that I use" at
I have recently been seeing this with Chrome as well.
The symptom is that the page is cut off in the browser, but interestingly enough the full page shows up in the developer tools network tab:
Refreshing the page always seems to help.
This happens on two separate instances of debiman that use different static file serving stacks (one using Apache, the other one using nginx behind cloudflare), so I think the problem is client-side, not server-side.
Perhaps we’re triggering some sort of CSS bug? Not really sure how to go about this, or how to reliably reproduce it even :-/
Let’s see if perhaps helps (removing JavaScript related to font loading). It’ll be a while before that will be live on