
will tests fail once stretch (or buster?) is released?

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looking at the redirection test suite, I can't help but think that it will start to fail once stretch comes out the door. tests like this:

		{Case: 9, URL: "stable/i3", want: "jessie/i3-wm/i3.1.en.html"},   // suite alias

will (should!) likely fail when stable becomes stretch.

i'm not sure how best to fix this, but it seems to me like a first step would be to avoid hardcoding the suite codenames into the tests, and use some sort of variable, which could eventually be automatically populated...

Thanks for bringing this up.

The tests will actually not fail because they use the hard-coded testIdx (defined above in the same file).

In production, debiman uses information from the archive directly and will hence use up-to-date names.