
Unable to use GPIO 10

LeyreMF opened this issue · 8 comments

I would like to use GPIO10 for an extra LED but I can't set it high to light the led.
Is there any issue in the module in this pin?
I have tested all pins and The only which fails are GPIO9, GPIO10 and GPIO3. Maybe there is something activated in GPIO9 and GPIO10 related with the NFC.

I have similar problem but using Gpio14 to control led D12...

Hi dmolteni,

There should be no issue controlling D12 with the GPIO14. You can use the mask BSP_LED_3_MASK which effectively maps to the GPIO14.


LeyreMF, I'm looking at the gpio10 and come back to you.


Thank you in advance, I have tested with other pins such as GPIO31 with my custom function task_GPIO(PIN,WRITE_1) and It works. I don't know why GPIO10 is unconfigurable.



Hi LeyreMF,

With the nRF52832, the GPIOs 10 & 9 are reserved for NFC communication by default. It is possible to use them as GPIOs but you need to define the following pre-processor at compilation : CONFIG_NFCT_PINS_AS_GPIOS.

To add this preprocessor in SES, right click on solution -> edit options -> preprocessor -> add "CONFIG_NFCT_PINS_AS_GPIOS" in "preprocessor definition"

It will free GPIOs 10 & 9 and you will be able to toggle them as classical GPIOs. I've tried on my side and it works.

There is more information regarding the NFC and GPIOs 9 & 10 on the NRF website :

Let me how it goes.
Thank you,

Thank you very much! It works perfectly. Now, both pins can be configurated!

One question more, have you tested the RTLS library provided by Decawave in the VirtualBox? I tried to use it in combination with other sensor connected in SPIM2(DWM1001 is connected in SPIM1 and the accelerometer in TWI0) but It was impossible to incorporate it.