
Does DialogueTester work with Heart Events?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hey, we are using DialogueTester - it's a wonderful mod! We were wondering if it works with Heart Events. For example, Shane's six heart event is found in Data\Events\Forest.json and the ID for it is 3910975/f Shane 1500/e 3910674/t 900 2000/w rainy

We've tried:

dh_testdialogue 3910975/f Shane 1500/e 3910674/t 900 2000/w rainy Shane
dh_testdialogue Data\Events\Forest:3910975/f Shane 1500/e 3910674/t 900 2000/w rainy Shane -manual

We get an error that there are too many arguments. It doesn't seem like this mod can test heart events but we wanted to check just in case.

Dialogue Tester probably does not work for events, but you can launch an event with debug ebi eventID (ie debug ebi 3910975) as long as you are NOT standing on the map the event activates on.

Yeah, all Dialogue Tester handles is what has a dialogue key, which it then loads and displays as normal NPC dialogue.

Thank you both! That is really helpful.